Graduate School

The Master is part of the Graduate School of the Institut de Convergences #DigitAg. It is one of the 13 Masters represented in the Graduate School.

The #DigitAg Convergences Institute is one of 10 French Convergences Institutes funded under the Investissements d'Avenir program. The only Convergences Institute dedicated to agriculture, it is also the only Convergences Institute in the Occitanie region, and the first in the MUSE Montpellier Université d'Excellence I-Site. Supported by INRAE, born in 2020 from the merger of Irstea and INRA, it was created in 2017 by 16 founding members.

The #DigitAg Graduate School brings together more than twenty training courses offered by the University of Montpellier, Montpellier SupAgro and AgroParisTech, to train tomorrow's researchers and engineers in the fields essential to digital agriculture, and to raise its profile internationally, particularly in the South. Its 2 main missions: to support the creation of new training programs, both initial and short, and to promote links between masters-theses and public research and industry.