teaching staff

The DEA "Créations immatérielles" was founded in 1989 by Professor M. Vivant, Emeritus Professor at Sciences-Po Paris.

Since 2007, the Master's degree in Intellectual Property and Digital Law has been directed by Ms. A. Robin, Associate Professor.
Agnès Robin is a lecturer at the Montpellier Faculty of Law and Political Science (University of Montpellier). She specializes in intellectual property and digital law (IP/IT) and innovation and research law.
Curriculum Vitae
Jury :
- N. Mallet-Poujol
- A. Robin
- S. Roose-Grenier
Teaching team :
Bruno Anatrella | Lawyer, Cabinet BAGS, Paris |
Marion Azémar-Boulangeat | Chanel Company |
Alexandre Bories | Lawyer, Montpellier |
Nicolas Bouche | Senior Lecturer, Law, Lyon 3 University |
Bruno Carbonnier | Lawyer, Cabinet Le Stanc, Montpellier |
Vanessa Charpentier | Trademark and software expert, CPI Plasseraud, Paris |
Sylvain Chatry | Senior Lecturer, Law, University of Perpignan Via-Domitia |
Benjamin Jean | Lawyer, Inno3, Paris |
Aliénor Dagory | Lawyer, Béziers |
Simon de Charentenay | Senior Lecturer, Law, University of Montpellier |
Arnaud Diméglio | Doctor of Law, Lawyer, Cabinet Diméglio, Montpellier |
Cyril Duriga | Lawyer, AKKA technologies, Paris |
Amélie Favreau | Senior Lecturer, Law, IUT Valence |
Marion Gaillard | Industrial property attorney, BreveSud, Montpellier |
Emma Griffon-Renaud | Lawyer, SACEM, Paris |
Cécile Le Gal | Professor, Pharmacy, University of Montpellier |
Nicolas Gallon | Lawyer, Montpellier |
Laurent Lacassagne | Data Protection Consultant, Apsys, Toulouse |
Stéphanie Lacour | Research Director, CNRS-ENS Cachan |
Pierre Larcher | Rapporteur, French Competition Authority, Paris |
Mathilde Lefroy | Lawyer, Montpellier |
Julien Le Clainche | Lawyer, Montpellier |
Agnès Maffre-Baugé | Senior Lecturer, Law, University of Avignon |
Valérie Maillot | Lawyer, Roquefort Société, Lactalis Group |
Nathalie Mallet-Poujol | Research Director, CNRS, Montpellier |
Nicolas Martin | Lawyer, Doctor of Law |
Coralie Medina | Lawyer, Google France Company, Paris |
Pascal Mesans-Conti | PRCE, Legal English, University of Montpellier |
Pierre Mousseron | Professor, Law, University of Montpellier |
Géraldine Pacaut | Lawyer, Cabinet Derriennic Associés |
Stéphane Pessina-Dassonville | Senior Lecturer, Law, Rouen University |
Michel Pernelle | Industrial property attorney, Pernelle-IP |
Sophie Perrier-Léonard | Lawyer, CPI Brev&sud, Montpellier |
Olivier Prats | Consulting, CPI Regimbeau, Lyon |
Alexandre Quiquerez | Senior Lecturer, Law, Lyon 2 University |
Virginie Rage-Andrieu | Senior Lecturer, Pharmacy, University of Montpellier |
Alexandrine Rey | Lawyer, CIRAD, Montpellier |
Roland Richter | Former Director of the National Patent Register, INPI |
Agnès Robin | Senior Lecturer, Law, University of Montpellier |
Sandrine Roose-Grenier | Senior Lecturer, Law, University of Montpellier |
Pierick Rousseau | Lawyer, Laboratoires Pierre Fabre, Paris |
Marie Sonnier-Poquillon | Lawyer, Cabinet MSP, Montpellier |
Hubert Tilliet | Legal Director, SACD, Paris |
Romain Waiss-Moreau | Attorney, LLC and Associates |